listen1935; max_connections1000; daemonoff; # the log tank, console or file. # if console, print log to console. # if file, write log to file. requires srs_log_file if log to file. # default: file. srs_log_tank console;
stats { # the index of device ip. # we may retrieve more than one network device. # default: 0 network0; # the device name to stat the disk iops. # ignore the device of /proc/diskstats if not configed. disk sda sdb xvda xvdb; }
http_api { enabledon; listen1985; raw_api { # whether enable the HTTP RAW API. # default: off enabledon; # whether enable rpc reload. # default: off allow_reloadon; # whether enable rpc query. # default: off allow_queryon; # whether enable rpc update. # default: off allow_updateon; } https { enabledon; listen443; key /; cert /; } } http_server { enabledon; listen8080; https { enabledon; listen8090; key /; cert /; } } rtc_server { enabledon; # Listen at udp://48038 listen48038; # # The $CANDIDATE means fetch from env, if not configed, use * as default. # # The * means retrieving server IP automatically, from all network interfaces, # @see candidate$CANDIDATE; }